SEDIS Journal

Submission Acceptance for Review

Submission acceptance for review refers to the initial stage of the peer-review process in which a submitted manuscript is assessed by the editorial team of a journal to determine whether it meets the journal’s minimum requirements and fits within its scope. During this stage:

Desk Review

The editorial team conducts a desk review to assess the manuscript’s overall quality, relevance to the journal’s focus, adherence to submission guidelines, and ethical considerations

Technical Check

The manuscript is checked for proper formatting, language, references, and structure. Any major formatting or ethical issues may result in rejection at this stage

Scope Alignment

The manuscript is evaluated to ensure it falls within the scope of the journal. If it does not align with the journal’s focus, it may be rejected or recommended for submission to a more suitable journal

Plagiarism Check

SEDIS conduct a plagiarism check to identify any instances of unoriginal content. High levels of plagiarism can lead to rejection


The submission must include all required components, such as a cover letter (if requested), abstract, keywords, figures, tables, and references

Turn around Time (TAT) Estimations for the Further Process

The turnaround time (TAT) estimations for the subsequent stages of the peer-review process can vary depending on the specific volume, the complexity of the manuscript, the availability of peer reviewers, and the responsiveness of authors. Here are typical estimates for each stage:

Peer Review Assignment

After acceptance for review, the manuscript is assigned to peer reviewers. TAT can range from a few days to 12-20 days, depending on reviewer availability and the complexity of the manuscript

Peer Review

Peer reviewers assess the manuscript for quality, accuracy, and relevance. TAT for peer review typically ranges from two weeks to four weeks

Reviewer Feedback

Authors receive feedback and revision requests from reviewers. TAT for revisions depends on the extent of revisions required but often ranges from three to six weeks

Editorial Decision

The editorial team evaluates the revised manuscript and reviewer feedback to make a final decision. TAT for this stage can vary but is often within three weeks

Acceptance and Production

If the manuscript is accepted, it moves into the production phase, including copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. TAT for production varies but may take a few months

Online Publication

Once production is complete, the manuscript is published online. This usually takes a few weeks to a month

It’s important to note that these estimations are general guidelines, and actual TAT can vary widely depending on the journal’s specific processes and circumstances. SEDIS strive to maintain efficient and timely review processes to serve both authors and readers effectively. Authors are encouraged to check the journal’s website or contact the editorial office for specific TAT information.

Contact Us

For submission of articles please follow the guidelines mentioned, and submit the manuscripts to

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